Waldo V. Raposa

Associate Professor of New Testament

  • Divine Word College of Legazpi (BS-Accountancy)
  • Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv)
  • Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD – New Testament)

Dr. Waldo V. Raposa is an associate professor in New Testament studies and is currently the Associate Dean of the Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary (Philippine Area Learning Center). He teaches Hermeneutics, New Testament exegesis, and Biblical Greek. Dr. Waldo is married to Dr. Jessica Rosalie Raposa and they have 3 children: Steele, Ralph, and Shekinah.

Selected Publications


  • Raposa, Waldo. ed. More than Stories: Selected Parables of Jesus. Keller, Texas: Wahoo Publishing, 2012.
  • _______. “The Gentle” in The Beatitudes: How to be Happy in an Unhappy World. David Shackelford, ed. Keller, Texas: Wahoo Publishing, 2013.
  • _______. “Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness” in The Beatitudes: How to be Happy in an Unhappy World. David Shackelford, ed. Keller, Texas: Wahoo Publishing, 2013.