Jeff Iorg Returns as Speaker for 53rd Lide-Walker

Gateway Seminary president, Dr. Jeff Iorg returned as conference speaker for the 53rd Lide-Walker Bible Conference last January 9-11, 2023. The theme and title for this year’s conference was: “Shadow Christians: Making an Impact When No One Knows Your Name”. The theme explores how various unnamed individuals in Scripture and in more contemporary applications, have created a significant impact by not occupying places of prestige or fame.


Iorg explains that in Scripture, “gifts matter more than identity; sacrifice matter more than show; proportion matters more than amount”. Becoming a “shadow Christian” means one does not aspire for popularity but rather the contentment of ordinary faithfulness in various contexts. The Holy Spirit moves in every believer so they can make an impact based on the peculiar capacities they are gifted with.


Before the beginning of the conference, a number of pre-conference events were held. These include the Dementia Awareness by the Australian-Filipino Community Services led by Ms. Norminda Forteza; Pickleball as Ministry led by Mr. Nicolas Guarino and the President Alfredo Saure Lectures in Theology (PASLIT).


The 53rd Lide-Walker Bible Conference was attended by 682 delegates.

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