Dr. Cameron Armstrong (IMB) speaks at the chapel of PBTS.
Last August 30 marked the beginning of the Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) of Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary. An annual activity for the seminary, this year’s speaker was Dr. Cameron Armstrong. A missionary from the International Mission Board, Dr. Armstrong spoke on the theme “Treasuring Christ in Seminary” a series of sermons based on the seven “I Ams” of Jesus in the Gospel of John.
The speaker urged seminarians to remain committed in valuing Jesus Christ and his mission against more worldly metrics of success. According to Armstrong, the only sustenance a Christian worker ought to have is the person of Christ. Armstrong asked, “What truly sustains you? The promise of a big church? The promise of another publication to add to your CV? Are we chasing after the wind? Pastoral ministry and scholarly service for the church are noble pursuits, but if we miss Jesus, if we treasure anything besides Christ, then we have missed the point.”
During the week-long activity, each Friday-Group gave a presentation highlighting their culture and ethnic identity.

Attendees take a group picture during the last service.
At the last day of the SEW, September 2 the seminary community shared a “boodle fight”, where food is eaten using one’s hands and shared on banana leaves.
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