Timoteo Gener Gives 2023 Commencement Address

Timoteo Gener was the speaker at the 66th seminary commencement exercises last March 17, 2023. Gener, current president of Febias College of Bible, explored the theme of being sent into the world and embodying holistically the love of God in Jesus based on John 20:19-23. “God is on a holistic mission.” Gener said, “It calls for embodiment, representing the Gospel in word and deed, in terms of proclamation but also in demonstration.”


Gener also spoke on refocusing missional emphasis from “program” to “formation”. “Perhaps we should rethink how we do church” Gener said. “Perhaps we should rethink how we equip the people of God…The focus of the Great Commission in John’s Gospel is more ‘being’ than ‘doing’. Embodiment more than programs, more than activities. I am actually surprised that very few pastors and workers talk about spiritual formation as the main task of the church, so that we will become Jesus’ representatives in the world.”



Vience Villanueva delivered the Graduates’ Response. Villanueva reflected on memories of his seminary studies and how God is good in sustaining him throughout.



This year’s graduates number at 50. These included: 10 in the Associate in Ministerial Training, 7 Bachelor of Theology, 9 Master of Arts in Contextual Ministry, 15 Master of Arts in Ministry, 3 Master of Church of Music, 6 Master of Divinity.

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